Quick Pickled Onions

Quick Pickled Onions

These naturally sweetened quick pickled onions add the perfect tangy-sweet balance to elevate whatever’s on your plate. They come together lickety-split and will disappear even faster. (Though what’s faster than lickety-split? Hmm…)

I’m not sure I understand the phrase “in a pickle.” If you’re in a pickle, you’re stuck in an undesirable situation, right? Relaxing in a warm bath of vinegar and fresh squeezed orange juice while my subtle deliciousness develops doesn’t sound like the worst place to be.

Let’s talk quick pickles.

These quick pickled onions are so simple. Combine vinegar, water, salt, sugar, and thinly sliced onions in a small pot over medium-low heat. Leave them to simmer for five minutes, then transfer to a storage container and let the magic happen. Briefly heating everything on the stove speeds up the whole process, putting those onions on the fast track to pickle town. They’ll be ready to enjoy in just 30 minutes (and they’re even better the next day).

The pickling process eliminates the harsh bite of raw onions. You’re left with a tangy and sweet (and still sort of crunchy?) condiment that perks up your taste buds. Taco night? Add some pickled onions. Making a salad? Load ‘em on. Falafel on the menu? This one’s a no brainer. Scrambling some eggs? Sure, why not? You get the idea. We love having these in the fridge to add an extra oomph to sad looking leftovers, too. Once you make them, you’ll find endless ways to use them. I promise.

No added sugar, please.

I used to make pickled onions using the classic combination of ingredients I mentioned above.. Lately, I’ve experimented with other ingredients and flavor combinations, always making sure to include something tart/vinegary and something sweet. Since quick pickled onions have become such a staple on our savory food routine, I wanted a version that ditched the added sugar. Fresh squeezed orange juice gives these pickled onions all the sweetness they need. Plus, it plays nicely with the fruitiness of apple cider vinegar.

You can, of course, use whatever vinegar you like. Rice vinegar, white wine vinegar, red wine vinegar would all work. I’d avoid plain old distilled white vinegar since it’s much harsher than the other options. Orange juice is no match for the power of white vinegar.

If you use this recipe to inspire your cooking, send me a note, leave a comment, or tag me on Instagram @cookwithq. I love seeing what you’re creating and connecting with you through food.

Quick Pickled Onions
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Quick Pickled Onions

Prep Time10 minutes
Resting Time20 minutes
Total Time30 minutes
Course: Condiment


  • 1 small red onion
  • ½ cup apple cider vinegar
  • juice from ½ an orange
  • ½ cup water
  • ½ tsp salt


  • Thinly slice the red onion. I like to cut the onion in half first and then slice into half moons, but you can leave it whole if you prefer rings.
  • Add sliced onions to a small pot. Pour the red wine vinegar, water, orange juice, and salt over the onions.
  • Let everything simmer over medium-low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and allow the mixture to cool slightly. Then, pour the onions and the liquid into a mason jar or other glass container. Allow them to come to room temperature and then place in the fridge. They’re even better the next day and will keep in the fridge for about a week.


I’d recommend using a glass container since the gorgeous pink pickling liquid will stain plastic. I use these wide mouth mason jars to store the onions. The wide mouth makes for easy pouring and the jar is pretty enough to pop on the table when it’s time to eat.