Cook with Q, but you do you!

girl with ladle

Suzy here, the creator of Cook with Q (and also the woman pictured above, holding a ladle next to a tree for some mysterious reason). I’m a native Philadelphian currently living in beautiful Portland, Maine with my soon-to-be husband Devon and soon-to-be step dog Walter.

I’m also an IT systems analyst recently laid off from my day job in international exchange as a result of COVID-19. Since my favorite hobby is whispering to broccoli as it roasts and my favorite sound is saucy pasta as it stirs (I know this is a polarizing opinion), I thought I’d take advantage of my newfound free time to start Cook with Q.

What to Expect

I’ll be here creating delicious and doable recipes in our home kitchen. Expect lots of flexible, colorful dishes with some flavor-boosting tips and food puns mixed in. I love to include a range of textures and layers of flavor when I cook. Something aromatic. Earthy. Citrus-y. Sweet. Herbaceous. Creamy. Crunchy. (You still here? Sometimes I get a little lost in the food adjectives.)

Crispy salmon cakes with quick pickled veggies and tzatziki (inspired by my semester living abroad in Greece). Herb-speckled pasta with roasted mushrooms and artichokes. Cozy and flavorful “clean out the fridge” chili. Recipes like that.

Recipes as Guidelines

I spend a lot of time testing my recipes – making small tweaks (and sometimes overhauls) to deliver well thought out steps for deliciousness. That being said, I like to think of recipes as guidelines. (Unless you’re baking. Then definitely follow the recipe. I don’t want to be responsible for any bread that doesn’t rise.)

But back to the point. I carefully determine the ingredients, amounts, and steps in my recipes to produce something I think tastes great. Hopefully you think so too, but my greater hope? For you to make these recipes on your own terms. If you don’t like broccoli, brocc on! (I warned you about the food puns and I won’t apologize.)  Don’t shy away from a recipe just because it includes broccoli. Just replace it with something you love. These recipes are meant to inspire, not restrict.

The truth is, there’s a lot of room for flexibility – and even happy accidents – in cooking. Taste as you cook. Add more acid if your dish tastes too sweet. Add more of your favorite ingredients because they make you happy.

If your food comes out looking and tasting just like mine, I’m into it! If you take some bits and pieces from my recipes and end up with something else you love, even better. Sometimes the best food comes from that mix of a trusted recipe and some personal touches.

If you use one of my recipes to inspire your cooking, send me a note, leave a comment, or tag me on Instagram @cookwithq. I love seeing what you’re creating and connecting with you through food.